Text & Encoding Utilities:
- Base64 Encoder
- Base64 Decoder
- URL Encoder / Decoder
- JSON Formatter & Validator
- Text Case Converter (Uppercase, Lowercase, Title Case, etc.)
- HTML Entity Encoder / Decoder
- QR Code Generator (convert text to QR codes)
Security & Hashing Utilities:
Networking & Web Utilities:
- IP Address Lookup (show user’s public IP)
- HTTP Header Checker (inspect response headers from a URL)
- DNS Lookup (check DNS records for a domain)
- User-Agent Parser (display browser & OS info)
Conversion Utilities:
- Text to Hex / Hex to Text
- Text to Binary / Binary to Text
- Color Converter (HEX <-> RGB <-> HSL)
- Unit Converter (length, weight, temperature, etc.)
- Timestamp Converter (Unix timestamp to human-readable time & vice versa)
- Random String Generator
- Lorem Ipsum Generator (generate placeholder text)
- Diff Checker (compare two blocks of text)